Want Proof You are More Intuitive?

Maybe You're curious about how your Intuition shows up in your Human Design Chart?

This course is for you if:

  • You are tired of second-guessing yourself
  • You are tired of not feeling confident to take action
  • Not sure what your intuition signs are or when to follow them!

What you'll be able to do

after this course:

  • Start looking for + Recognizing your own intuitive signs!

  • Start trusting yourself + your intuition more!

  • Build your confidence in your intuitive hits!

  • Start taking action when you know it's time!

What They are Saying...

The Content is AMAZING!

Maria S., Manifesting Generator

"I loved it! The content is amazing, and your outline of what is expected of us and how best to use the course is fantastic. I love the hybrid application you provide for us, Intuition + Human Design. There are so many gems!"


Kristin S., Generator

"OMG!! Woah this is crazy thorough and lots of resources, quizzes, and exercises to discover and cultivate your innate intuitive abilities! I Loved how you include Human Design and differentiate between HD vs intuition because that really helped me ( and it helped me not be a pain in the a$$ 😉). I'm ready to share this with my kids and help them identify and trust themselves even more."

What we'll cover in this Tiny Course:

  • 1

    Start Here!

    • Welcome + Setting Expectations

    • Before we get started...

  • 2

    The Lessons

    • 1. Intuition + Human Design Basics

    • 2. Being a Visual Intuitive

    • 3. Being a Audient Intuitive

    • 4. Being a Feeling Intuitive

    • 5. Being a Knowing Intuitive

    • 6. BONUS: Other Kinds of Intuition

    • Next Steps!

  • 3

    Resources for You!

    • Resources for you

    • Before you go...

What You Receive:

  • Immediate Access to 7 Concise Video Lessons

  • Downloadable Exercises to Practice Developing your Intuition

  • Journaling Exercises to help you practice with each type

Terms + Conditions:

Please read this sales page fully to avoid any misunderstandings about what is being covered and what is included.

  • This course is offered as ‘self study’ and does not include any email access to me for personalized guidance.

  • If you would like to be able to ask me questions and have my input on your business, you can explore purchasing a 1 on 1 Intuitive Session after completing the course.

  • Purchases are final. There are no refunds if you decide you don’t like my approach or expected something different.


Please read Terms+ Conditions before Purchasing!

Course Creator

Intuitive Business Coach + Strategist

Cristy Nix

These courses are designed for ambitious solopreneurs who have realized self-development is key to growing a more sustainable + and successful business that is simpler, easier + a lot less work! All of these courses are designed to be straightforward, bite-sized content that is easy to digest + most of all able to implement...because if you cannot practice then why do the work, right?

Ready to Learn More About Your Intuition?

Get Proof You are MORE Intuitive by discovering Intuition in Your Human Design Chart NOW!